I've been thinking for the past few days about what I would write about if I had a blog. I couldn't think of any clever, catchy topics, so I decided that I'm going to write my opinion on whatever comes to mind.
This time it's going to be about Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games (or MMORPGs).
I'm a massive RPG fan, but when it comes to MMOs I'm a little hesitant. I've recently started playing the free MMORPG 'Ether Saga Online'. Pretty good quality for a free game. I love the fact that you have a pet with you that you can train, and feed, and (s)he helps you in battles. It's pretty neat. On the down side, nothing in the game makes a first attack. You don't have any worry while walking through an open field of ferocious monsters. The leveling up is a little slow, but if you have patience it's pretty fun. A bonus (or down side, depending on how you want to look at it) to this game is that most of the monsters are cute. I take pride in slashing little fluffy bunnies heads off sometimes.
MMORPGs in general bore me, though. I like doing the quests, and having such a large area to roam around in is cool, but I hate group quests and raids. I'm more of a solo-gamer. With group raids/quests you basically do one job every time. This person is a healer, this person uses magic attacks, etc. It's not that much fun to do one specific task until the enemy is dead. I like to multi-task. I need a challenge. I need more than to repeatedly click an enemy then go pick up some gold and low-level armor.
I don't understand all the WoW addicts out there that blow off real life so they aren't late for a raid. That's why I like regular RPGs, YOU chose when you want to do these things. You're not bound to your computer/console waiting for 6:45 to come, praying you make it to the meeting spot on time so some douche bag teenager with a holier-than-thou attitude because he got some purples, doesn't kick you out of the party. There is so much more stress involved when it's an MMO.
I play games because I want to play a game. Not because I have to.