Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Well That Failed...

My ninja mission to start sewing more failed. I made one dress then forgot about everything. I also didn't realize that the dress would be too short while I was making it. Oh well, it was made out of a mens dress shirt that I got from Value Village anyway.

But I did decide that I'm going to go back to school. I'm not sure which school yet, but I'm going to go into cosmetology. I've always wanted to be a fashion designer, but it seems more like a pipe dream than a realistic one. Everywhere you go there are salons, though. There's always a need for a hair stylist.

I need to wait a little while, though. I have a 5 month old daughter, and her father works during the days. That gives me a little bit of a problem in going to school. I'm going to wait until she's either in daycare, or school, and I'm going to get a job. I'll save up so I don't need a very big student loan, and by that time she'll be in school with pretty much the same hours as me.

I'm excited, I want it to happen now :3

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